We'd like to introduce our hard-working committee so you know
who to buttonhole if you have any questions about the conference during the
Tinderbox weekend. (You're also welcome to shower them with praise, congrats
and thanks for the fabulous time you are having.)
Maureen Crisp
Over the past year, Maureen has fielded hundreds (if not thousands) of emails and filled up many, many folders of notes as she battled with the intricacies of IT requirements,
budgets, programme make-up, selection of possible presenters, accommodation, food,
transport and a million other details of conference organisation. She has
also managed to keep up with her weekly Thursday deadline for posting the
latest writing news and helpful tips on her Craicer blog: http://www.maureencrisp.com/
And the rest of the organising committee, in alphabetical order:
Fleur Beale
Fleur is one of the four assessors who have generously offered
to help with the ms assessments.
Fifi Colston
Fifi is not only helping to plan Tinderbox, but also has an
entry ("Morphology") in this year's World of Wearable Arts show (in the Weta section) - so
fingers crossed for her on award night.
She is also organising the Illustrators Day on Monday with
Adele Jackson
Adele has been in charge of design work, so we have her to thank
for the logo, the wonderful programme and all other Tinderbox printed and
online material.
She is also organising the Illustrators Day on Monday with Fifi, as well as the "Lightning talks" presentations.
Johanna Knox
Johanna is running the Sparks programme, which has already
generated plenty of excitement and lots of cooperation - exactly what we hoped
Sabrina Malcolm
Sabrina has spent untold hours extracting data from the
conference registration forms and re-formatting it into lists of workshop
attendees. She has also been answering emails and looking after the ms assessment programme, fielding queries and matching up writers with assessors.
Anita Nalder
Anita (with Bridgette) has been tirelessly seeking sponsorship
from all sorts of companies, business and local shops - often a thankless task,
but together they have had some great successes.
Pippa Werry
Pippa has been spending her time applying for grants, studying the budget, sending
out receipts and paying invoices - if you've got any money-related queries,
please ask her.
Bridgette Yates
Bridgette (with Anita) has been on the hunt for sponsorship,
asking everyone from power companies to wine merchants, and together they have
come up with some great surprises that you'll find in your Tinderbox goodie
All of these people have been fitting their committee work in and around paid work, school visits, travel, moving house, child minding, everyday-life-cooking-cleaning-and-shopping and of course trying to find time to do their own writing and /or illustrating, and we are deeply grateful to them all!
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